Money Lost and Tariff is not changing

    Hey there. I have 2 issues to mention.

    1) at 10th of july at 15:22 european time I have tried to add 15 euro to my account via whatsapp but altough my bank has charged me there it hasnt reflected to my gutenhaben account, therefore I have had to add another 15 euro. You can see that in your records. It has been over one month after this incident but still this 15 euro is neither in my gutenhaben account nor in my bank account.

    2) last evening (15.08.2024) I have changed my tariff to 5gb L but altough i have enough money in congstar account it hasnt changed. I did everything via web site and app (including stracth thing) but still no change after hours. I am left with no internet connection in my summer holiday and i can write this thread from a cafe.

    please solve these issues as soon as possible. my phone number is xxxxxxxxxxxxx Thank you in advance.

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    Hi eren829 ,

    so the tariff change will take place later today. Restart your device.

    Regarding the top-ups, I can say that one was made on 10/07/24 and one on 08-08-24. The 15 euros that were topped up went towards the tariff (€10.00) and various text messages abroad. So the money was on the card.

    Greetings Patrick

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